A new concept of tea, 20 TwenTea, for Cancer, Diabetes, Dementia, Depression, Brain, Heart and Liver DiseaseA, Eyesight is available at Dr.NakaMats Museum Shop.
Dr. NakaMats Museum Shop:
16 tea bags (1 month) 4,500 yen
For international buyers, the shipping fee and the handing fee will be 1,500 yen.
For customers support, please e-mail to shop@dr.nakamats.com.
Sir Dr. NakaMats 20 TwenTea, was invented for a part of crusade against cancer. It will give dreams and hopes for cancer patients, who lost motivations for their dreams and jobs and suffer from medical expenses and supporting their families. 20 TwenTea contains 20 elements and has a completely unique concept of tea for cancer, diabetes, dementia, depression, brain, heart, liver disease, eyesight. Drink 20 TwenTea with food or at tea breaks. It will help to prevent obesity by good defecation for beauty and health. The taste is slightly sweat without sugar and favored for from kids to adults.
NOTE: Japan Inspection Association of Food and Food Industry Environment confirmed the safety.
-Put a teabag into boiled water in a pot or kettle
-Put hot drinks in the refrigerator to make cold teas during the summer time
-Drink small particles (Soy beans) left on the bottom of the tea cup
-Pour on rice, noodles, and soups for extra flavors
-Skin becomes smooth by polishing with brain drink tea bag
-Put it into the bath to warm your body
-Spread on your plants for better grow
Sea Tangle, Job’s Tears, Korean Ginseng, Persimmon Leaf, Loquat, Kuma bamboo grass, Mulberry Leaf, Ginkgo Leaf, Naked barley, Chinese gutta percha leaf, Black Soybean, Chinese desert-thorn leaf, Mugwort, Dokudami, five-leaf ginseng, Beefsteak plant, Powdered oyster shell, Chamaecrista nomame, Cassia Semen, Soybean
16 tea bags (1 month) 4,500 yen
How to preserve: please avoid at hot and humid spot and direct sunlight.
1. Sea Tangle / Laminariaceae Bory
Sea Tangle contains calcium, water-soluble dietary fiber, and iodine. Iodine stimulates sympathetic nerve, metabolizes proteins and lipids, which is ideal for children who need the growth of body and intelligence. In addition, water-soluble dietary fiber is rich in arginine acid and fucoidan, and the amount of the dietary fiber is 50 times more than burdock and 80 times more than sweet potato. Fucoidan is a part of components used for cancer treatment.
2. Job’s Tears / Adlay.Coicis Semen/ Coix lacryma-jobi var.ma-yuens Tears
Job’s Tears is described as a Chinese main herb in the old Chinese Herb book "Shennong Ben Cao Jing", well known for warts and beautifying skins, and also used as a raw material for cosmetics.
It is rich in proteins and vitamin E and helps to release body wastes. It is said to have effects in: activating the cells, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic action, edema, warts, rheumatism, neuralgia, nutrition-tonic effect, cerebral thrombosis prevention and prevention of cancer.
3. Korean ginseng / Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer
Korean ginseng is the king of the medical herb and lucky grass of immortality. It is called "Panacea" in Greece. The Representative of the active ingredient is saponin, which nothing can compete in the type, quantity. It is said that Korean ginseng helps immunity, increase of immunity, fatigue recovery, appetite, analeptic, stomachic, blood pressure, diabetes, mental stability, and anti-cancer effect, which is very versatile.
4. Persimmon Leaf / Diospyros kaki
The leaf contains about 20 times more Vitamin C than lemon, and it is resistant to heat. It is said that persimmon is good for stopping hiccups, nocturnal enuresis, antitussive, catching cold, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, bleeding of the gums, and helping blood vessels to have resistance to disease.
5. Loquat/ Eriobotrya japonica
Loquat/ Eriobotrya japonica has amygdalin and organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, and tartaric acid. Amygdalin contains vitamin B17 and has been used as a cancer therapeutic medicine in more than 20 countries including the United States. Amygdalin has a special feature to destroy only cancer cells in the body. It is also effective in kidney disease, gastrointestinal disease, food poisoning, diarrhea, diuretic, and edema. For Bruises, sprains, muscle pains, and skin diseases, it is effective to use the decoction of the leaves.
6. Kuma bamboo grass/Sasa veitchii
Kuma bamboo grass has iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and other minerals and vitamins C, K, B1, B2, chlorophyll (Chl), panforin polysaccharides, lignin (fiber).
It is said that vitamin K is good for antibacterial antiseptic action of benzoic acid, diabetes, hypertension, stomatitis, constipation, gastrointestinal disease, and anti-cancer effects.
7. Mulberry Leaf/Morus alba L
Referred in an old Chinese pharmaceutical book "Shennong Ben Cao Jing", mulberry Leaf/Morus alba L contains deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), which has the effect of antidiabetic action and good for diabetes and hypertension. It also contains zinc, anthocyanin, and GABA (GBA) which are effective in hypotensive effect to help obesity prevention, prevention of lifestyle diseases, and cancer.
8. Ginkgo Leaf/ Ginkgo biloba L
It is said that ginko leaf is good for blood flow and prevention of brain disorders (dementia, cerebral infarction, Alzheimer's dementia, memory loss), arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, neuralgia, frequent urination, cold constitution, allergies, and hay fever.
9. Naked barley/ Hulless barley/Hordeum vulgare var.nudum
During Heian era in Japan (from 8th-11th centuries), naked barley was a drink for nobles. Barley is rich in proteins, calcium, lipid, vitamin B1, B2, soluble dietary fiber, and antioxidant polyphenol.
The dietary fiber is effective in diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, which help prevention of life style deceases and constipation by improving enteral environment.
10. Chinese gutta percha leaf/ Eucommia ulmoides
One of the five great Chinese herbal medicines and was drunk by the people who sought perpetual youth and longevity. Eucommia is rich in minerals and vitamins which are well balanced, and they contain anti-oxidizing component "lignan compound,"and valuable components which are said to be good for variety of health.
Blood pressure normalization effect, prevent lifestyle-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis by reducing neutral fats and cholesterols. Improvement of decomposition ability to synthesize collagen can be expected to prevent from aging.
11. Black Soybean/ Glycine max
Black Soybean/ Glycine max is a kind of soybeans. In addition to the effects of soy, it has excellent antioxidant effect because it includes anthocyanin (black bean polyphenol), prevention of adult disease is expected.
12. Chinese desert-thorn leaf / Lycium chinese
In Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese desert-leaf is called "wolfberry leaves", which is said to be good for stomachic, the action of the tonic, poor circulation, constipation, arteriosclerosis. Further, it has been observed hypoptension effect.
13. Mugwort/ Artemisia Willd. indica var.maximowiczii
Mugwort/ Artemisia Willd. indica var.maximowiczii is rich in Chlorophyll, minerals, and vitamins which improve immune strength and prevention from disease and help anti-aging. It may help regulation of the function of intestine, constipation, hypertension, neuralgia, asthma, and atopic dermatitis.
14. Dokudami/ Houttuynia cordata
It is said Dokudami is good for purification of blood, diuretic, constipation, hemostasis, hemorrhoids, poor circulation, arteriosclerosis, and sequela of strokes.
15. Five-leaf ginseng/ Poor man’s ginseng/ Gynostemma pentaphyllum
Five-leaf ginseng is used for anti-inflammatory, detoxification, coughing and chronic bronchitis. In 1977 The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy announced that five-leaf ginseng includes active ingredient, saponins, which is similar to Korean ginseng." It is said to be good for sedation of excitement of nerve and stress, senile bronchitis, gastric ulcer, and prevention of duodenal ulcer treatment, tonic.
16. Beefsteak plant/ Perilla frutescens(L)Beitton var.crispa(thunb)H.Deans
It is said that the leaves of beefsteak plant/ Perilla frutescens(L)Beitton var.crispa(thunb)H.Deans is good for sterilization, antiseptic, antipyretic, and detoxification and has been Japanese people’s favor for used as coloring pickled plum, flavoring agent, and extra flavor with sashimi. It is said to be good for constipation, loss of appetite, indigestion, bronchitis, cough, sputum, neurosis, and hay fever
17. Powdered oyster shell/Ostreae testa pulverata
Powdered oyster shell is listed in the old Chinese Herb book "Shennong Ben Cao Jing" for antispasmodic, cessation of coughing, and astrigent.
18. Chamaecrista nomame/ Nomame senna
Hama Tea, Chamaecrista nomame, is used for tonic, diuretic, beriberi, nephritis, jaundice, migraine, and chronic constipation.
19. Cassia Semen/ Cassia obtusifolia
Cassia seaman is referred in Chinese medicine, it is said the herb has a wide range of effects not only enhancing the vision: eyestrain, improvement of constipation, gastrointestinal, liver, and kidney, blood pressure-lowering effect. It is one of the most important herbs in the folk medicines.
20. Soybean/ Glycine max
Soybean is prized as a valuable source of proteins. Besides proteins, it is rich in linoleic acid which decreases cholesterols, various vitamins, amino acids, and manganese. It is said to be good for hypertension, arteriosclerosis, obesity, heart disease, fatigue recovery, and beauty skin care.